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Trauma Therapy in Toronto

Experiencing trauma can leave lasting marks on how we see ourselves, others, and the world. Often, our most deeply held beliefs and habits of thinking are shaped by early experiences, many of which we may not even consciously remember. 

If left unprocessed, trauma can lead to patterns of isolation, self-protection, and stress disorder that influence every area of life, from relationships to work. 

At Get Reconnected Psychotherapy Services in Greater Toronto, we offer tailored approaches to traumatic experiences and adaptations in a safe space where you can explore and heal these patterns. 

We’re here to help you understand your past and regain control over your present.

Trauma and Childhood Adaptations

Many of our core beliefs, like “the world is unsafe” or “I am unworthy of love,” stem from childhood trauma adaptations. These beliefs formed as coping mechanisms, helping us navigate our world with the limited resources we had as children. While these patterns helped us survive then, they can now limit our ability to connect, grow, and feel safe.

Trauma disrupts our natural ability to connect with others, replacing connection with patterns of protection. This process is often unconscious, becoming an automatic response in stressful situations. Trauma therapy through a polyvagal lens helps clients reset these survival responses, allowing their nervous system to balance the instinct to survive with the longing to connect with others.

Understanding Complex Trauma, PTSD and Coping Mechanisms

Trauma survivors often creates coping mechanisms that shape how we navigate life. For example, perfectionism, fear of failure, and fear of embarrassment can emerge as ways to protect ourselves from perceived judgment or rejection. Many people with past trauma carry deep feelings of hopelessness or shame, making them hesitant to open up or show vulnerability. 

Other coping behaviors, like self-soothing through overworking, people-pleasing, or avoiding conflict, can arise from feeling “not good enough.” While these behaviors may help in the short term, they can lead to trauma symptoms such as chronic stress, impact physical health, and leave us feeling emotionally exhausted. 

Trauma reactions are natural, like an emotional immune system working to protect us from further harm. However, with the right support, these responses can be adapted towards trauma recover, resilience, and reconnection with your true self. 

Types of Trauma

Trauma affects individuals in different ways, based on the type of experience and its impact on mental and emotional well-being. Here are some common types of trauma:

Acute Trauma

This stems from a single, intense event, such as an accident, natural disaster, or sudden loss. Acute trauma can trigger immediate stress responses and may lead to lasting effects if not addressed.

Chronic Trauma

Trauma that occurs repeatedly over time, like ongoing abuse, bullying, or living in a high-stress environment, is considered chronic trauma. It often results in patterns of anxiety, emotional numbness, or difficulty with trust.

Complex Trauma

Multiple traumatic events, especially during childhood, lead to complex PTSD. This type often affects self-esteem, relationships, and overall mental health.

Developmental Trauma

Trauma experienced in early childhood, impacting emotional growth and coping skills, is known as developmental trauma. It may arise from neglect, abandonment, or an unstable family environment.

Secondary or Vicarious Trauma

Trauma experienced indirectly, such as through helping others with trauma or witnessing a traumatic event, can lead to secondary trauma. This often affects first responders, therapists, and caregivers.

Intergenerational Trauma

This trauma is passed down through generations, often in families or communities with histories of oppression, abuse, or cultural disconnection. Its effects may impact mental health, relationships, and coping mechanisms in descendants.

Religious Trauma

Trauma stemming from harmful experiences, beliefs, or communities, known as religious trauma, can affect self-worth, identity, and mental health. This may include fear, guilt, shame, or feelings of rejection related to strict doctrines or abusive authority figures. If you have experienced religious trauma, you may struggle with trust, autonomy, or self-acceptance.

How We Help with Trauma Therapy

At Get Reconnected Psychotherapy Services, our approach to trauma therapy combines practical skills, understanding, and evidence-based processing techniques to help you work through past traumas. Here’s how we can support your healing journey:

Distress Tolerance Skills

We aim to build your resilience to handle the distressing emotions that arise from trauma. Just as physical resilience grows through strength training, emotional resilience builds through distress tolerance. We work with you to develop these skills.

Psychoeducation on Trauma Responses

Understanding the “why” behind traumatic responses helps us make sense of our experiences. By mapping out the “how” of trauma’s impact, we create a guide to better understand and navigate your reactions.

Understanding Our Nervous System

we also approach from a mind-body connection by integrating Polyvagal Theory in our sessions. Polyvagal Theory explains how our body responds to safety and danger with three main states. When we feel safe, we stay calm and connected with others. When we sense danger, we prepare to fight or run away. If we feel extremely threatened, our body might “freeze” to protect us. These states help us react to the world and shape how we connect with people.

Eye Movements and Reprocessing - Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

A therapeutic approach that helps reprocess distressing memories by leveraging how the brain sorts and stores information. Eye movements are used to guide you through memories, allowing you to recall the memory without the intense emotions or physical reactions often associated with trauma, making it feel more like a regular memory and reducing its impact on daily life.

Trauma Therapy at Get Reconnected in Toronto

Our trauma therapy process is tailored to meet each person where they are. Here’s what you can expect:

Assessment and Stabilization

We begin by understanding your unique experience with trauma and ensuring you feel safe and stable before delving deeper.

Themes and Patterns Analysis

We explore the recurring themes and patterns that may have developed in response to trauma, identifying beliefs or behaviors that might be holding you back.

Memory and Emotional Processing

In a safe and supportive environment, we work through painful memories, allowing you to process and integrate these experiences in a way that feels empowering and healing.

Why Choose Us?

At Get Reconnected Psychotherapy Services, we’re dedicated to providing trauma-informed therapy that respects and supports each person’s unique story. 

Our approach is compassionate and focused on practical healing steps, giving you the tools to regain a sense of safety, self-worth, and connection. Our psychotherapists are here to guide you through each step, helping you build a foundation of resilience and understanding.

Reach Out Today

If you’re ready to work through trauma in a safe, supportive environment, reach out to us at [email protected] to book an appointment. 

Whether you’re looking for post-traumatic stress disorder – PTSD treatment in Toronto, intrusive memories, or trauma-related stress, we’re here to help you heal. 

Let’s take this journey together, moving toward understanding, healing, and reconnecting with a life that feels more like yours.